There was a time before weekends were filled with wedding photography where I would take myself (or with friends) on outdoor adventures. These were typically set during a weekend and if I was fortunate enough to be living near a particular region with dramatic countryside, then I could make a day trip (or longer if I was fortunate enough). I would often want to share an adventure with others upon returning home, partly to serve as a record of my own accomplishment and to inspire others to enjoy the outdoors too. Sunsets and sunrises were always had the most inspiring light but I grew to be mindful of how composition and how I wanted to remember the experience. There grew a challenge to capture the best photos and find new scenes to share with the wider community, which would sometimes lead me off the beaten track for an unplanned hour or two.
Here is a collection of some landscape photos that I am rather fond of.
Golden Hours

Aurora Australis
Sunset + Sunrise

Small collections

Cool snapshots
A departure from amateurism
In 2020 I decided that I would embark on professional wedding, engagement, maternity & newborn photography. I have, however, continued to take landscape and nature photographs. The difference is that I take a lot more time and care to perfect a photograph. The images herein on this page have been more carefully constructed to align with the decision to go professional. I will keep adding more to this article for some time yet - it's my hidden treasure trove, a deep seated passion for landscapes and the great outdoors.
Castle Point, Wairarapa