Youth Sports Photography media policy & Model Release
Media Policy: Photographing, Filming and Responsible Use of Content of Children and Young People.
Purpose of our media policy is to demonstrate our transparency, commitment to protecting and safeguarding children and young people participating in sport.
ToiToi Photography recognises that creating photo and video content is a great way to document achievement, celebrate success and promoting the sport, recreation or activity. ToiToi Photography is considerate of the privacy of children and young people and the associated risks content produced may pose online, such as bullying, abuse and exploitation.
ToiToi Photography therefore gives consideration to informed parental consent, the use of devices for capturing photo and video, how images are stored, displayed, delivered. The following information is provided to help inform the parent or caregiver of their child or young person of our professional approach to sports photography.
1. Safe Use of Images of Participants in Sport.
· Verbal consent alone is not accepted. A signed model release is required.
· If parental consent is not given, ToiToi Photography must be informed of any children and young people who must not be photographed.
· ToiToi Photography will not publish names of children and young people.
· ToiToi Photography aims to promote a culture of protecting children and young people.
· ToiToi Photography may use images or video taken on social media ( or on their website (
2. Minimising the risk
· ToiToi Photography will not photograph in changing rooms
· Children and young people must be dressed in kit related to the sport, recreation or activity, and in clothing that does not expose them unnecessarily.
· Images will focus on the individual actively participating in the activity or sport. It is often unavoidable to photograph only the client in team sport, therefore other participants from either team, coaches or officials are likely to feature in the photographs. ToiToi Photography will aim to have the consented individual as the primary subject or focus of each image. ToiToi photography will inform the other participants (coaches, officials, medical staff and opposing team members) of the work being performed prior to the match commencing. Written and verbal consent will not be sought for these individuals/participants if the event takes place in a public location and/or at events where there is no expectation for privacy unless stipulated by the sporting codes rules and regulations. Images may be made available to view or purchase by the opposing team upon their request.
· If ToiToi Photography is contracted to photograph an event, we are willing to be police vetted to comply with The Children Act 2014.
· ToiToi Photography will request that parents, team coaches or management inform the children or young people that there is a professional photographer present taking photos the purpose for having this service.
· Images will not be taken or stored on a cell phone.
3. Storage & sharing of images
· Photographs and recordings of children and young people will be kept securely on a hard-drive whilst images are prepared to be uploaded to our website. After one month of the images being uploaded to an online album, the images will be deleted from the hard-drive. The online album photos are saved on our website host Pixieset ( Images will appear on the online album with a watermark, and those downloading their selection of images will be required to enter an email address, this allows us to track which images are downloaded by each email account. If it is a team sport that ToiToi Photography is taking images of, images may be shared with one contact, usually the coach or manager of a team for them to distribute. The coach or manager may choose to share the access to the online album; anybody with access to the album can download any or all of the images. In situations where ToiToi Photography is not contracted to supply images, such as in a voluntary role or a 'pay per photo download' model has been agreed upon, access to view the online album will be available to the public and a cost will be charged for each watermark-free download. The online album will remain available for up to 12 months.
Model Release
In accordance with ToiToi Photography's media policy (Photographing, Filming and Responsible Use of Content of Children and Young People), ToiToi Photography uses photographs and video recordings for profit and advertising. ToiToi Photography will take care to show only content that is child-safe and appropriate. I understand that ToiToi Photography may financially benefit from the images or video created and that other parties may have access to images of my child or young person. I give permission for images and video recordings to be taken and used by ToiToi Photography for profit, and published on their website and in social media.
It is my responsibility to inform ToiToi Photography of any changes to a situation that may result in the way ToiToi Photography photographs or video's, stores or shares its content.
Team name:
Name of child or young person:
· Child identifier on field e.g. jersey number:
· Name of parent/caregiver (full name):
· Email:
· Phone:
Name of child or young person:
· Child identifier on field e.g. jersey number:
· Name of parent/caregiver (full name):
· Email:
· Phone:
I, the parent or caregiver, am legally entitled to represent the person photographed, grant full copyright and all rights to the photographer Phil Butler of ToiToi Photography or its representatives, and consent to the use of photographs or recorded video in advertising, editorial, or any other legal purpose without reservation.
I the undersigned, am authorised to give this consent of release which shall be binding upon me or any legal representative in perpetuity.